Anytime I am heading to an island I am happy but Aruba is paradise. It's not all laying on the beach sipping Ariba Aruba cocktails.

Did You Visit Aruba During Covid? Yes, the island is open. We had to take a nasal swab test from Walgreens before we went and then one to return to the states. Aruba has a $30 Covid insurance that you buy that covers your stay if you do catch Covid. I considered this very affordable. Aruba took more precautions than Oklahoma, we got our temperatures taken before entering the grocery store, we signed in at restaurants for contract tracing, and everyone wore masks. There was a curfew but it just required us to be off the beach by 7 pm and off the streets by 11 pm. This did not affect us because by 7 pm we were ready for dinner and by 11 pm we were ready for bed. You can find the latest Aruba Covid regulations here.

Covid Aruba 2021

How Much Does A Trip To Aruba Cost: We traveled to Aruba with flight and condo for a week for a total of $396 per person. Holy shit I couldn't believe it. How did we score this trip that cheap? We booked our flight via Spirit Airlines from Dallas to Aruba, we had to drive to Dallas from Tulsa, but this saved over $300 per person. Then I snagged an expressway week on our timeshare that was only $206 for the entire week for a two-bedroom condo. Shoot me a text or call and let me help you book your trip. (918) 203-4362

What Is There To Do In Aruba: There are so many things to do in Aruba. If you are a foodie Aruba is for you, the food is delicious.  You can sail, snorkel, kitesurf, rent a 4x4 and offroad on the beach, rent jet skis, visit private islands, and most importantly enjoy beach time on some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

4x4 In Aruba Razor Polaris Offroad

When Is The Best Time To Visit Aruba: Aruba is a year-round destination. We went from March 20th- 27th and the weather was perfect. I would say it was 80 degrees with a constant wind. Before I went I read Aruba was windy, so we didn't rent motorbikes, Aruba is windy but I felt like we could have rented motorbikes with no problem, heck we survived riding them in Vietnam. If you are looking to save a little money I would suggest going in the off-season which is April to August.  You do not have to worry about hurricanes in Aruba.

What Language Does Arubans Speak: We made it just fine with our Oklahoma English. However, Aruba is a melting spot. I enjoyed listening to Dutch, French, Spanish, and more. Don't worry almost everyone spoke English.

How Does Money Work In Aruba? The official currency of Aruba is the Aruban Florin (AWG). The US dollar is accepted everywhere. There is no reason for you to exchange your money. Credit Cards are accepted everywhere and you can easily find an ATM Machine.

Is Aruba Safe? I felt so safe in Aruba and it is considered one of the safest islands in the Caribbean. They take their tourism very seriously and violent crimes are almost unheard of. Take your normal precautions lock of your valuables

What are you waiting for? Live Beyond The Click and book your trip to Aruba. Call or text me at 918-203-4362

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